Why do westerners think they are without propaganda?

Commissar RDPK
3 min readMay 31, 2021

Truly, are they not the most propagandised groups of all? The answer is they believe that precisely because their propaganda tells them that they are not propagandised. They believe that they are free, that only the bad countries (which, coincidentally, almost always means countries that are a threat to the global domination of the Bourgeoisie) have propaganda, and that only they are the brainwashed ones.

Do Chinese and Korean people believe they are propagandised to? Of course they do. Not only are their societies created in such a manner that they educate their citizens in a Socialist way, Socialist propaganda is everywhere in such societies, they know of their Government’s actions, they know of their Government’s intentions — for the Government and the People are one. The reason being is that propaganda in a Socialist society aims to encourage and invigorate the people to work, not only for themselves, but for each other, the people, for the people’s state and the good of society as a whole. All political organs, regardless of character, from sovereign Governments to individual people, engage in propaganda of some form. This is not necessarily good or bad — rather, it just is. However, Socialist states engage in a method of propagandising that is fundamentally different from Capitalist states. Socialist states engage in the most effective method of “brainwashing” there is — meeting the material needs of the people. By ensuring the people have enough bread, enough water, adequate shelter, education and healthcare, they have won the people’s loyalty a million times over, for more effectively than any poster or broadcast ever could, and have ensured that the people will follow them to the ends of the earth, through fire and fury; through hell and highwater — even long after the Socialist state is gone.

However, Capitalist states are fundamentally unable to engage in such methods of propaganda. Why? Because, in Capitalist societies, the desires of the Bourgeoisie take precedent over the needs of the people. As such, there is much need to convince, to deceive, to trick the masses into thinking their needs are satisfied — so, they change the definition of what the needs of the people are. They trick them into thinking that they have need of democracy, of freedom and liberty — all wonderful things in their own right, yes, and necessary traits for all prosperous societies to have, but the terms of what such words mean are dictated by the Bourgeoisie! The Bourgeois decide what “freedom” means, and in Capitalism it means the freedom to serve capitalism, to serve its bosses, to serve capital. Hence, those in Capitalist societies are caught in a most insidious machine of propaganda, a machine so effective, it convinces its own victims to love their oppressors and hate their liberators, to believe that Slavery is Freedom, and real Freedom is Tyranny. But, such a method of propagandising is doomed to fall in on itself. The exploited peoples of even the most heavily propagandised nation on earth will only believe the propaganda insofar as they are willing to tolerate the amount in which the Bourgeoisie exploits them. Bourgeois “Liberty”, “Freedom” and “Democracy” is not tangible, it is certainly not edible. No sane creature would prioritise its freedom to speak over its freedom to eat. As the contradictions of Capitalism tighten, the Bourgeoisie tightens its grip over the Proletariat, and ramps up its parasitic exploitation through such measures as privatisation and austerity. As such measures go on, and the worker left with less and less, it is only a matter of time before the Bourgeoisie become carelessly greedy, and the worker is left with nothing or next to nothing — at which point they develop class consciousness and overthrow their oppressors, to take back what is rightfully theirs.


Sydney, Australia

May 2021

